Gordon Ramsay shares update on fatherhood – addition to family comes seven years after couple lost baby – ‘no book guides you through that’

Gordon Ramsey is undoubtedly one of the most renowned figures in the culinary industry.

The renowned chef, with a remarkable career that includes a total of 12 Michelin stars and currently holding seven, has recently shared about the heartbreaking loss of his unborn son Rocky for the very first time.

He described the emotional pain he and his wife experienced and outlined the ways they coped with their sorrow.

During an interview with People, Gordon, aged 56, expressed, “The loss of Rocky was incredibly difficult, and witnessing the aftermath unfold was a truly life-altering experience.”

The renowned chef praised his wife, stating, “Observing how she handled the situation, opening up to friends and women nearby for advice, she showed incredible strength right away.”

He said, “Tana has done so many things that we wouldn’t be here today without her strength.”

Gordon and Tana got married in 1996 and had five kids. Their oldest, Megan, was born in 1999, and their youngest, Oscar, was born in 2019. They also have twins, Jack and Holly, and a daughter named Matilda.

In 2016, the couple told everyone that Tana had a miscarriage when she was five months pregnant, but they didn’t give any more details.


In 2020, Tana talked about her miscarriage in an interview right after Chrissy Teigen told everyone about her own miscarriage. Tana decided to speak up because she saw how people were being mean to Teigen.

Tana backed up Teigen and complimented her for being so honest.

Tana said she felt really emotional and thought the girl was awesome. She didn’t know all the details about her situation, but a bunch of it sounded just like hers.

She brought everything back and I believe she was awesome for sharing about it and putting up those pictures,” she said.


Tana really didn’t like how everyone would avoid talking about what happened and act like it never happened. She said, “It was tough for me when people would talk to me but not bring it up because it felt like they were pretending it never happened.”

I just wanted to discuss it with my friends, my family, or anyone who brought it up because it was really tough.

She said, “One minute you have a baby moving around in your belly, and the next minute it’s gone. It was really tough.”

Her husband was by her side and showed immense support. “Gordon was amazing, and he’s always been one to talk about everything and he was very good at sort of talking it out of me and never making me feel that, ‘Oh, you know, maybe we shouldn’t talk about it’.”


During a recent interview with People magazine, Gordon revealed that Oscar wouldn’t be part of their family if they hadn’t lost Rocky. Although there was no replacement, it created a unique bond that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

He mentioned that Tana has a lot of power. He was amazed by how she handled the situation and opened up to friends and women nearby for advice. He said she was amazing right after that. Their children draw a lot of strength from their mother.

We apologize for the difficult experience Gordon and Tana had.

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